Source code for scrapy_zyte_api._page_inputs

from base64 import b64decode
from typing import List, Optional

import attrs

from ._annotations import _ActionResult

[docs] @attrs.define class Actions: """A page input that specifies browser actions and contains their results. The actions must be :ref:`specified with an annotation <browser-actions>` using :func:`~scrapy_zyte_api.actions`. """ #: Results of actions. results: Optional[List[_ActionResult]]
[docs] class Geolocation: """A page input that forces a given geolocation for all other page inputs. The target geolocation must be :ref:`specified with an annotation <geolocation>`. """ pass
[docs] @attrs.define class Screenshot: """A container for holding the screenshot of a webpage.""" #: Body. body: bytes @classmethod def from_base64(cls, body): return cls(body=b64decode(body.encode()))